The Toronto Branch is governed by the accessibility policies of its parent organization, the Ontario Genealogical Society. The following is a summary of guiding principles only—to the extent that any of these result in less accessibility for persons with disabilities than the main OGS policies, the main OGS policies prevail.
- The Toronto Branch is committed to operating in a way that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities, and to giving persons with disabilities equal opportunity to access and benefit from its services.
- Persons with disabilities may request communication by e-mail or TTY Relay Service if regular telephone communication is not suitable to their needs.
- Forms, invoices and other publications will be provided in alternative formats (hard copy, large print, e-mail) to persons with disabilities on request.
- We will ensure that our volunteers are familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by persons with disabilities while accessing our services.
- Guide dogs or other service animals accompanying persons with disabilities are welcome at Toronto Branch meetings and other events, except in areas where animals are prohibited by law.
- Support persons accompanying persons with disabilities to Toronto Branch meetings or other events are welcome at no extra charge.
- We will provide notice of any planned or unexpected disruption in our services to persons with disabilities.
- We will ensure that all Toronto Branch Executive Committee members and volunteers receive training on the provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities, in accordance with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
- We welcome and appreciate your questions, comments and suggestions about Toronto Branch services to persons with disabilities and will endeavour to respond within seven business days. Please e-mail any inquiries or feedback to our accessibility facilitator.