An organization of family historians, some with Toronto roots, others who live in Toronto, we have ancestors around the world.

Call for Speakers – Genetic Genealogy

Has DNA testing become an integral part of your genealogy research? Do you have particular testing strategies, techniques for analysing results, or case experiences that you would like to share with other family historians?

DNAToronto Branch is planning a day-long workshop on 6 June 2015 at the North York Central Library on Genetic Genealogy, and we’re looking for speakers who would like to take part. Sessions may be targeted at beginners or at more seasoned family historians.

We’re also seeking feedback from people who would be interested in attending this workshop – are there specific topics you would like us to address?

You’ll find a link to our detailed call for presentations and information on how to give us your suggestions on our Speakers and Instructors Wanted page.

Please note that the deadline to submit a proposal for this workshop is Saturday 17 January 2015.