An organization of family historians, some with Toronto roots, others who live in Toronto, we have ancestors around the world.

Be a Conference early bird!

The largest family history gathering in Canada is taking place in Toronto from June 3 to 5… and Toronto Branch is hosting it! The early-bird deadline to register for the Ontario Genealogical Society’s Conference 2016, Genealogy on the Cutting Edge, is March 15. And that’s just around the corner! If you haven’t yet registered, or if you have registered but are considering adding to your selections, now is the time to do it.

You’ll benefit from significant savings if you register by March 15… $10 on each Friday workshop and $20 on the full weekend package, with extra discounts for OGS members. Registering now is also a must if you are interested in the special pre-Conference activities. The total number of registrants is rising daily, and the limited-enrolment workshops, field trips and research excursions are proving popular.

Exterior of Spadina Museum
A day at “Toronto’s Downtown Abbey”, the Spadina Museum – one of the cutting-edge options at OGS Conference 2016.

Whether you’re a cutting-edge family historian yourself or just cutting your genealogy teeth, you’ll find plenty to choose from at Conference 2016. The program has just been expanded to include late-breaking sessions on British research and technology, as well as a brand-new stream of lectures on Jewish genealogy, presented in partnership with the Jewish Genealogical Society of Toronto.

You can check out the full program and register online through the Conference website at And if you’re interested in volunteering your time to help make this event a success, please e-mail the Conference team at