An organization of family historians, some with Toronto roots, others who live in Toronto, we have ancestors around the world.

Important news from Toronto Public Library

We’re pleased to share some very welcome news for genealogy researchers in Toronto, thanks to an agreement between the non-profit family history organization FamilySearch and the Toronto Public Library.

FamilySearch, which has a vast collection of billions of genealogical records, is in the process of digitizing all of its microfilms and publishing the digital versions online. About 1.5 billion images have been digitized to date, and many of those are now freely available on the FamilySearch website. Some of those images, however, are classified as “restricted access” for various reasons, and are visible only on computers in Family History Centres and specified affiliate libraries.

The good news is that the TPL has been designated as a FamilySearch affiliate library. This means that Toronto researchers can now view these “restricted access” images through computer workstations at any TPL branch.

Read the full announcement on the TPL’s Local History & Genealogy blog. And happy searching!