The next Toronto Branch meeting will take place on Monday, June 28, beginning at 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time). It will be entirely online and open to all—but you must register in advance.
Genealogy professional Thomas MacEntee will be joining us to talk about Hiding Out in the Open: Discovering LGBT Family History. Have you heard family stories about a relative who was “different” or someone who simply “disappeared”? Find out why you might want to consider the possibility that your relative was lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered. And learn how to modify your search strategies to improve your chances of locating and researching LGBT folk in your family tree so that you can preserve and share their stories.
We’ll round out the evening with a short presentation by Glenn Wright, titled Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Cousin Lyman and the Power of the Press.
Click here to find out more and register for “Hiding Out in the Open” on June 28.
Please note that there are no monthly Branch meetings in July and August, but we will resume our regular schedule in September 2021. Watch our Calendar for information about events coming up in the months ahead.