Our Toronto Branch meeting took place on Monday, June 24. It was recorded and the presentations are now available for viewing by clicking this link. The recordings will be available until about September 24.
Jane E. MacNamara showed us how and why to explore Ontario’s Records of Inheritance on Family Search, with a focus on York County. Estate files are rich sources for finding family connections and revealing our ancestors’ social and financial circumstances. And, with an extensive collection now digitized on FamilySearch, we can discover these treasures from home.
Helen Billing presented our “opening act” this month, on a box of documents and memorabilia that prompted the questions: Why did they go to Australia? What did they do there?
Watch our Calendar for information about Branch events coming up in the months ahead. There will be no monthly Branch meetings in July and August, but be sure to mark your calendar for the annual Toronto History Lecture on Tuesday, August 6.