An organization of family historians, some with Toronto roots, others who live in Toronto, we have ancestors around the world.

March 2023 meeting

Our March Toronto Branch meeting took place on Monday March 27

This month, we we were taken on a storytelling journey! We got set to take the first steps towards creating an expressive and lasting legacy for future generations from those boxes of family history documents, as Lynn Palermo, also known as the Armchair Genealogist, showed us how to shape our research into entertaining and shareable stories. 

We began the evening with a short presentation by Kelli Babcock with the Archives Association of Ontario, on Accessing Archives in Archeion. Kelli showed us how to make the most of Ontario’s Archival Information Network to search, browse, and access records and institutions.

The presentations were recorded and have been posted on our Recording page where they will be available until about May 30. Click here to view them.

Watch our Calendar for information about events coming up in the months ahead.

Portrait of speaker Lynn Palermo