The June 2014 meeting of Toronto Branch will take place on Monday 23 June starting at 7:30 in the evening at the Burgundy Room, North York Memorial Hall, 5110 Yonge Street in Toronto (convenient access from the North York subway station).
Our featured speaker, Coral Grant, will take us on a journey of discovery back in time, beginning in Toronto’s garment district of the early 1930s and ending in 19th century Eastern Europe. The title of Coral’s talk is: “How Uncovering my Grandmother’s Deepest Secret Revealed a Rich Jewish Ancestry“.
There will be a chance to catch up with other researchers and find out about the fall lineup of Branch courses during the mid-meeting break, and we’ll wrap up with a short presentation by Branch member Sherilyn Bell on “Visualizing Genetic Genealogy Results – A 23andMe/Cytoscape Mashup“.
Hope to see you there! This will be our last Branch meeting before the summer break – but we’ll resume monthly meetings in September.