Our October Toronto Branch meeting will take place on Monday 26 October starting at 7:30 pm at the Burgundy Room, North York Memorial Hall, 5110 Yonge Street in Toronto (convenient access from the North York Centre subway station).
If you are thinking of putting your family information online for others to find, there are now many more ways of doing so than in the early years of the web. At our October meeting, our featured speaker Marian Press will review the options open to you in her presentation, Putting Your Family Tree Online: What Choice Should You Make?
Take a few minutes to mingle with other family history enthusiasts during our mid-meeting break or drop by our information tables to find out about our newly-announced winter lineup of courses and other Branch activities and announcements. After the break, we’ll wrap up our evening with Branch member Cathy McNamara, who’ll share some quick tips on how to Sort, Scan, Share, Solve and Scrapbook Your Old Photos.
We will be live-streaming this meeting for those who are unable to attend in person. For instructions on how to connect to our live feed, visit our Live Meeting Stream page. We hope you’ll be able to join us – either in person or on-line.