An organization of family historians, some with Toronto roots, others who live in Toronto, we have ancestors around the world.

Basic Genealogy Course & Atlantic Workshop

Registration is now open for two more Toronto Branch fall events.

We’re offering an eight-week course, beginning in October, led by instructor Jane E. MacNamara on Basic Genealogy and Family History. This course will be held at North York Central Library on Wednesday afternoons, and is designed for those who are just setting out on their family history journeys or who wish to upgrade their basic research skills.* Learn how to climb your family tree on a secure footing!

And on Saturday 17 October, we’ll be turning our sights to Canada’s east coast, with a full-day workshop on Atlantic Canada Genealogy.

1775 map of Prince Edward Island
Map of Prince Edward Island, 1775

Led by keynote speaker Terrence M. Punch of Halifax, with additional lectures by Roberta Clark and Terri Raymond, this workshop will explore the resources available to help you find your Atlantic ancestors. The focus will be on understanding the patterns and sources of immigration into the four Atlantic provinces over the past four hundred years as well as subsequent migrations from Atlantic Canada to other parts of Canada and to the United States. Sign up soon to ensure a spot!

For details of all of our fall 2015 educational events, and to register online, visit our Learn with Toronto Branch pages.

*Please note that a second session of this course, originally scheduled for Tuesday evenings at the Riverdale Public Library, has been cancelled.