An organization of family historians, some with Toronto roots, others who live in Toronto, we have ancestors around the world.

Ontario census records: what you need to know

This year, November is census month at Toronto Branch! Over four evenings beginning November 17, we’ll delve into census records for Ontario in a new online lecture series. We’ll look at why and how the records were created, how the process changed over the years, and how those factors impact on the ways we search for our families. This series will be of benefit to all researchers, whether just beginning or advanced—it is so easy to search census records that you may be missing some of the additional information that can be gleaned! Each session will run from 7:30 to about 9:00 pm (Eastern Time) online via Zoom:

November 17: Ontario Census Fundamentals
Speaker – Janice Nickerson

November 18: Locating a Property Using the Census
Speaker – Ken McKinlay

November 24: Census and the Community
Speaker – Janice Nickerson

November 25: Early Census and Similar Lists
Speaker – Jane E. MacNamara

We encourage you to join in live, but each session, including discussion, will be recorded and available to registrants to view for a limited time. The full series cost is $25, and the discounted cost for OGS members is just $20. The series is now underway, but you may still register (until November 25) and view the recorded sessions you have missed.

Find out more about our Ontario Census online lecture series and how to register. 

Page of the 1861 census for Toronto